List of Publications
Journal articles, book chapters, papers in conference proceedings (peer-reviewed)
- Kuu-Park, G., Kohtala, C., Juntunen, J.K., & Hyysalo, S. (2024). Materiality in community energy innovation: A systematic literature review of hands-on material engagement in energy transition. Energy Research & Social Science, 114, 103616.
- Thomas, L., Pistofidou, A., Troxler, P., & Kohtala, C. (2024). Peer Production as Mindful and Responsible Innovation: The Case of Fabricademy. Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 43(1), 103–129.
- Prendeville, S., & Kohtala, C. (2023). From Rhetoric to Realpolitik: The Optimism of Design Commons Discourse, in: Schranz, C. (Ed.), Commons in Design (pp. 181–200). Amsterdam: Valiz.
- Özçelik, A., Kohtala, C., & Löchtefeld, M. (2023). Small fish in a big pond: Product Longevity Design Strategies for Smart Speakers, in: De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (Eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design. Presented at the IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy.
- Hector, P., & Kohtala, C. (2022). Experimenting with sustainability education: The case of a student-driven campus initiative in Finland. Local Environment, 27(12), 1415–1430.
- Berglund, E., & Kohtala, C. (2021). Knowing and Imagining with Sustainable Makers, in: Kazubowski-Houston, M., Auslander, M. (Eds.), In Search of Lost Futures: Anthropological Explorations in Multimodality, Deep Interdisciplinarity, and Autoethnography (pp. 151–172). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Niinimäki, K., Durrani, M., & Kohtala, C. (2021). Emerging DIY activities to enable well-being and connected societies. Craft Research, 12(1), 9-29(21).
- Rossi, E., Di Nicolantonio, M., Ceschin, F., Mincolelli, G., dos Santos, A., Kohtala, C., Jacques Filho, E.F.L., Cipolla, C., & Manzini, E. (2021). Design Contributions for the COVID-19 Global Emergency (Part 2): Methodological Reflections and Future Visions. Strategic Design Research Journal, 14(1), 1–18.
- Rossi, E., Di Nicolantonio, M., Ceschin, F., Mincolelli, G., dos Santos, A., Kohtala, C., Jacques, E., Cipolla, C., & Manzini, E. (2020). Design Contributions for the COVID-19 Global Emergency (Part 1): Empirical Approaches and First Solutions. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13(3), 294–311.
- Botero, A., Hyysalo, S., Kohtala, C., & Whalen, J. (2020). Getting Participatory Design Done: From Methods and Choices to Translation Work across Constituent Domains. International Journal of Design, 14(2), 17–34.
- Kohtala, C., Hyysalo, S., & Whalen, J. (2020). A taxonomy of users’ active design engagement in the 21st century. Design Studies, 67, 27–54.
- Berglund, E., & Kohtala, C. (2020) Collaborative Confusion among DIY Makers: Ethnography and Expertise in Creating Knowledge for Environmental Sustainability. Science & Technology Studies, 33(2), 102-119.
- Bakırlıoğlu, Y. & Kohtala, C. (2019) Framing Open Design through Theoretical Concepts and Practical Applications: A Systematic Literature Review, Human–Computer Interaction, 34: 5-6, 389-432.
- Kohtala, C., Walls, J., & We-Left Collective. (2019). Designing Care and Commoning into a Code of Conduct. Proceedings of NORDES 2019 Nordic Design Research Society Conference, No 8, 1–5.
- Kohtala, C. (2018). The Sociomateriality of FabLabs: Configurations of a Printing Service or Counter-Context? Journal of Peer Production, 12, 92–110.
- Kohtala, C. (2017). Making ‘Making’ Critical: How Sustainability is Constituted in Fab Lab Ideology. The Design Journal, 20(3), 375–394.
- Niinimäki, K., Tanttu, M., & Kohtala, C. (2017). Outside the “Comfort Zone”. Designing the Unknown in a Multidisciplinary Setting. The Design Journal, 20(sup1), S4434–S4443.
- Kohtala, C. (2015). Addressing sustainability in research on distributed production: an integrated literature review. Journal of Cleaner Production, 106, 654–668.
- Kohtala, C., & Hyysalo, S. (2015). Anticipated environmental sustainability of personal fabrication. Journal of Cleaner Production, 99, 333–344.
- Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F., Diehl, J. C., & Kohtala, C. (2015). New Design Challenges to Widely Implement ‘Sustainable Product-Service Systems’. Journal of Cleaner Production, 97, 1–12.
- Hyysalo, S., Kohtala, C., Helminen, P., Mäkinen, S., Miettinen, V., & Muurinen, L. (2014). Collaborative futuring with and by makers. CoDesign, 10(3–4), 209–228.
- Kohtala, C., & Bosqué, C. (2014). The Story of MIT-Fablab Norway: Community Embedding of Peer Production. Journal of Peer Production, 5.
- Kohtala, C. (2013). Shaping Sustainability in Fab Labs, in: Melkäs, H., Buur, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Participatory Innovation Conference 2013 (pp. 287–290). Lappeenranta University of Technology.
Books and Special Issues
- Vezzoli, C., García Parra, B., & Kohtala, C. (Eds.). (2021). Designing Sustainability for All: The Design of Sustainable Product-Service Systems Applied to Distributed Economies. Springer, Cham.
- Rossi, E., Di Nicolantonio, M., Ceschin, F., Mincolelli, G., dos Santos, A., Kohtala, C., Jacques, E., Cipolla, C., & Manzini, E. (Eds.) (2021). Special Issue: Design Contributions for the COVID-19 Global Emergency (Part 2): Methodological Reflections and Future Visions. Strategic Design Research Journal, 14(1).
- Rossi, E., Di Nicolantonio, M., Ceschin, F., Mincolelli, G., dos Santos, A., Kohtala, C., Jacques, E., Cipolla, C., & Manzini, E. (Eds.) (2020). Special Issue: Design Contributions for the COVID-19 Global Emergency (Part 1): Empirical Approaches and First Solutions. Strategic Design Research Journal, 13(3).
- Kohtala, C., Boeva, Y., & Troxler, P. (Eds.) (2020). Special Issue: Alternative Histories in DIY Cultures and Maker Utopias. Digital Culture & Society, 6(1).
- dos Santos, A., Vezzoli, C., Kohtala, C., Srinivasan, A., Diehl, J.C., Fusakul, S.M., Xin, L., & Sateesh, D. (2018). Sistema Produto+Serviço Sustentável: Fundamentos. Curitiba, Brazil: Insight. [Translation of original book into Brazilian Portuguese with new material added by local editor and authors].
- Kohtala, C. (2016). Making Sustainability: How Fab Labs Address Environmental Issues (Doctoral Dissertation). Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Design, Helsinki, Finland.
- Vezzoli, C., Ceschin, F., Diehl, J.C., & Kohtala, C. (Eds.). (2015). Special Volume: Why have ‘Sustainable Product-Service Systems’ not been widely implemented? Journal of Cleaner Production, 97, 1–136.
- Berglund, E., & Kohtala, C. (Eds.). (2015). Uusi Helsinki? 11 näkökulmaa kaupungin mahdollisuuksiin | Det nya Helsingfors? 11 olika perspektiv på en stads möjligheter | Changing Helsinki? 11 Views on a City Unfolding. Helsinki: Nemo. Edited book for a public audience based on research.
- Vezzoli, C., Kohtala, C., Srinivasan, A., Diehl, J. C., Fusakul, S. M., Xin, L., & Sateesh, D. (2014). Product-Service System Design for Sustainability. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
Book chapters, essays, editorials, conference papers
- Vezzoli, C., Kohtala, C., Rognoli, V., & Ayala Garcia, C. (2023). [Changing] Ecosystems, in: De Sainz Molestina, D., Galluzzo, L., Rizzo, F., Spallazzo, D. (Eds.), IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design. Presented at the IASDR 2023: Life-Changing Design, 9-13 October, Milan, Italy.
- Kohtala, C., Boeva, Y., & Troxler, P. (2020). Introduction: Alternative Histories in DIY Cultures and Maker Utopias. Digital Culture & Society, 6, 5–34.
- dos Santos, A., Vezzoli, C., García Parra, B., Molina Mata, S., Banerjee, S., Kohtala, C., Ceschin, F., Petrulaityte, A., Garcez Duarte, G., Dickie, I.B., Balasubramanian, R., Xia, N. (2021). Distributed Economies, in: Vezzoli, C., García Parra, B., Kohtala, C. (Eds.), Designing Sustainability for All: The Design of Sustainable Product-Service Systems Applied to Distributed Economies (pp. 23–50). Cham: Springer.
- García Parra, B., Kohtala, C., Marttila, T., dos Santos, A., Molina Mata, S., Zhong, F., Xia, N., Liu, X., Zhang, J., Banerjee, S., Upadhyay, P., & Punekar, R.M. (2021). S.PSS and DE in Practice, in: Vezzoli, C., García Parra, B., Kohtala, C. (Eds.), Designing Sustainability for All: The Design of Sustainable Product-Service Systems Applied to Distributed Economies (pp. 123–142). Cham: Springer.
- Holm, F., Stassen, S., Kohtala, C., & Boeva, Y. (2020). Makers and Design in South Africa: Technology and Craft Cultures and their Antecedents. Digital Culture & Society, 6(1), 135–152.
- Kohtala, C., & Ede, S. (2019). Maker-Activists in the Post-Growth City, in: Bogers, L., Chiappini, L. (Eds.), The Critical Makers Reader: (Un)Learning Technology (pp. 278–285). Amsterdam: Institute of Network Cultures.
- Kohtala, C. (2019). Makerspaces as free experimental zones. In M. Charter (Ed.), Designing for the Circular Economy (pp. 260–269). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Berglund, E., & Kohtala, C. (2015). A New Helsinki? [Mitä Uutta Helsinki? Vilket nytt Helsingfors?]. In E. Berglund & C. Kohtala (Eds.), Changing Helsinki? Eleven Views on a City Unfolding [Uusi Helsinki? Det Nya Helsingfors?] (pp. 30–39). Helsinki: Nemo.
- Kohtala, C., & Paterson, A. G. (2015). Oxygen for Töölönlahti [Happea Töölönlahdelle, Syre för Tölöviken]. In E. Berglund & C. Kohtala (Eds.), Changing Helsinki? Eleven Views on a City Unfolding [Uusi Helsinki? Det Nya Helsingfors?] (pp. 64–70). Helsinki: Nemo.
- Kohtala, C. (2015). Systems of Resilience: A dialogue on digital makers, making and their principles of conduct. In A. Fuad-Luke, A.-L. Hirscher, & K. Moebus (Eds.), Agents of Alternatives: Re-designing our Realities (pp. 230–239). Berlin: Agents of Alternatives.
- Marttila, T., & Kohtala, C. (2014). Transdisciplinary platforms: Teaching sustainability to design students, in: Vezzoli, C., Kohtala, C., Srinivasan, A., Diehl, J.C., Fusakul, S.M., Xin, L., Sateesh, D. (Eds.), Product-Service System Design for Sustainability (pp. 450–470). Sheffield: Greenleaf.